Part One has been filled with many new challenges, from carrying out visual research to transforming ideas and concepts into moving images and a screenplay. I have learnt new ways of finding and developing ideas and concepts into moving images that I will continue to use in future projects and assignments, and beyond.
I am aware that I need to be more experimental in my approach to creating moving images. Although this is something that does not come easily to me at the moment, it is something that I am already embracing whole heartedly in both my research and practical work. The course material on experimental film, for instance, inspired me to carry out further research into several experimental and avant grade filmmakers, in particular Jonas Mekas and Doug Aitken, whose work I find particularly interesting and relevant to my own moving image practice.
In his feedback to my first assignment, my tutor advised me to adopt a rigorous approach to research. This is something I have taken on board. Though, I am aware that I need to develop my visual research skills in order to get the best out of the research I am doing. I have found the guidance on learning logs and reflective practice in the OCA student guide ‘Introducing Learning Logs’ particularly helpful in this respect.
Since starting this course, I have been using notebooks for gathering ideas and research material. This is something I have never done before. At the moment I’m using two notebooks: a Moleskine lined notebook for my Logbook, and an A5 artists sketchbook for my Research Journal, in which I gather images, information and personal observations on moving image practitioners. These journals have become invaluable in my studies and will continue to be so. In the coming months, when I start working on future assignments and the final film, I am thinking of using larger spiral bound A4 artists sketchbook as my Project Journals, as this will enable me to keep all my primary and secondary research materials relating to individual assignments together in one place.
I’m finding the learning blog very challenging. The practical side of setting up and organising my learning blog was quite straightforward. It is the actual writing of posts that is proving difficult, as I don’t yet feel confident in what I am doing with this.
One of the most striking things I have realised about myself since starting this course on the moving image, is that I feel like I have been given ‘permission’ to be creative again. To feel free to explore and experiment with my own ideas and on my own terms. To follow wherever my imagination takes me. Something I have not felt for many years.