Having read through the project brief, I wanted to jot down my initial impressions and ideas for the film. I decided to make notes and ‘rough sketches’ of images that came to mind as I read through the script. It is a simply representation at this stage. Very basic and very conventional. The cuts are very straightforward and quite obvious in their arrangement.
I know I will not be using this initial storyboard as it as stands. These are simply my first jottings, which I shall redraft as I work my way in to the project. At this stage, I have no clear idea where it will lead.
Logbook 3, pages 163-164
Logbook 3, pages 165-166
I’m not happy with the way it looks at the moment. In particular, the opening section in the garden doesn’t work for me. I may change the opening scene in some way, though to what I’m not yet sure.