I think Ross Lincoln’s article ‘How to Keep Screenwriters and Producers in Sync – Produced By’ hits the nail right on the head. Some of the most fruitful and enjoyable conversations I’ve had with friends and colleagues about my own screen ideas have often been about the nuts and bolts of the story, how it is built and the practical problems with it.

Although I have meet a few film producers, I have not yet been in the position to work with a producer on an idea. When I do get the opportunity to do so, I would hope that they are as passionate about film as I am. That not only do they enjoy the creative process of developing a screen idea and bringing it to the screen, but that are “specific and knowledgeable” in the notes they offer, enabling us to be on the same storytelling page.

I particularly like the comparison between producer and writer being like that of director and actor. I think that sums it up nicely.



LINCOLN, Ross A. 2015. ‘How to Keep Screenwriters and Producers in Sync – Produced By’, Deadline [online].
Available at: https://deadline.com/2015/05/produced-by-conference-screenwriters-producers-1201435124/
[Accessed 8 November 2021]